It sponsors the college’s cultural, social, sports, and artistic activities, directs them, develops plans, and programs, and supervises their implementation through student clubs and the Student Council.

Student clubs are centers for hobbies and various activities in which students find their favorite hobby supported by expertise and tools that help them practice and refine their hobbies, learn new skills, promote extra-curricular activities and achieve their educational goals to participate in and introduce them to, according to the following responsibilities and tasks:

Supervising student clubs by giving approvals to establish new clubs/groups

  • Participate in developing plans, programs, and activities at the college level.
  • Sponsoring student activities (cultural, social, sports, and artistic) through clubs and the Student Council
  • Holding periodic meetings with club supervisors, trustees, and the Student Council
  • Managing the electoral process to select members of the Student Council
  • Develop a targeted program plan at the beginning of the academic year that is compatible with the club’s vision and goals.

Hold periodic meetings for club members and meet at least four times per academic year; Twice the first semester and twice the second semester, and it can be called for a meeting whenever necessary.

  • Provide activities and programs continuously during the academic year according to the plan drawn for that:
  • A final report after each event with photo documentation.
  • The existence of effective social communication channels and activities for the club to communicate with students and respond to their inquiries.

There are two forms in the department for club activities

  • Evaluation form for the club
  • Form for establishing a new club with the requirements

Being a part of a student group is a great way to make connections on and off campus. With hundreds of student-run organizations, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet friends and put your unique passions to use—or try something new. No matter what you choose, these experiences will help you build a community and develop leadership skills.