All new students will take several examinations. The first will be the English Proficiency Examination. As students’ progress and other subjects are added, students will take additional proficiency examinations. This is to determine their levels of proficiency in these subjects. Based on the results of the English examination, students will be placed into Levels 1 to 4 of English as well as the appropriate Mathematics and/or IT classes.

If their marks are high enough, students can also test out of the Foundation Program altogether. Such students will start academic classes on a full-time basis without entering Foundation.

To Book for the Placement Test, kindly click on this link

Total MarkPassing Mark
MATH 10:4020
MATH 20/21:4024
IT Part A (Theory):2012
IT Part B (Practical):6036

Placement Test Procedure:

  • Students can take Math and IT placement tests twice only. The first attempt is free, and a fee of RO 20 must be paid for the second attempt.
  • Students can take both attempts in the same semester or different semester.
  • Students registered for (MATH 10, MATH 20/ MATH 21, COSC 10) are not allowed to book for the test until they check their final grades.
  • If a student fails a course, they can still take the Math/IT placement test once and it must be paid.
  • Practice questions paper for the placement tests are available below.
  • Students should book for the placement test at least one day before the exam from the placement test booking link above.
  • Students can pay for the Math/IT placement test at the Accounts Department or by sending email to

Placement Test Instruction:

  • Students should be at the placement test venue at least 15 minutes before the test.
  • Students must bring the payment receipt on the placement test day.
  • Students Must provide “Civil ID” to be able to sit for the placement test.

Test Samples:

Math and IT Placement Test for Spring II 2025

5 March 2025Wednesday09:00 -10:00Multi-media lab #2 (3023)
5 March 2025Wednesday13:00 -14:002019
6 March 2025Thursday09:00 -10:00Multi-media lab #2 (3022)
6 March 2025Thursday13:00 -14:00Multi-media lab #2 (3023)