
Head of Department

Rasha Omar

I extend my thanks and appreciations to all MCBS Staff and Faculty for all the help and support everyone has given me during my tenure in the College. I have no words to express how I feel today that I am leaving this place and the wonderful people in it, I can only say that I am going and carrying with me all beautiful memories and please forgive me if I have been rude or hurt anyone of you.

Head of Department

Tahiya Nasser Al Maskari

The college is more than just a workplace; it is the people that give it soul. I would just like to say that there have been many great people here, both past and present, that have made the job truly enjoyable. This resulted in laughter and practical jokes that are still evident on the offices walls. It was a special time.

Special thanks go to all people who supported me and for keeping me organised and doing the real work.

Head of Department

Mr. Saleh Al Kindy

As most of you know that I am about to disappear from MCBS campus after serving the college for 20 years and 3 months. I have spent almost 1/3 of my life in this institute. I feel sad to leave but I think it is about time to go and concentrate on my private lite.

College was my second home. I will miss it.

Thanks to everyone of you and I apologize if at anytime I hurt the feeling of anyone at anytime during the period I work in the MCBS.

Head of Department

Mana'a Al Mushifri

I have enjoyed my tenure here and I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with you.

Thank you for the support, guidance, and encouragement you have provided me during my time at MCBS. I am looking forward to this new challenge and to starting a new phase of my career.

Senior Lecturer, CEAP

Lorna Mendon

As most of you are aware, the time has come for me to say goodbye to each one of you at MCBS. The nine years that I spent in this college has given me a strong sense of satisfaction and achievement.

Thanks to one and all for all the support and help you gave me to make my stay at MCBS a nice and memorable one.

A special thanks goes to Dr. Muneer Al Maskery, Madam Sheikha Al Mahruki and Mr. Saleh Al Kindy who welcomed me into MCBS and made it feel like home; and to Di: Ahmed Al Naamaay who has inspired me a great deal with his innovative talks and positive attitude.

I feel so proud to have been a part of the MCBS family and I am really going to miss the good times I have had with you in the college.

Director of CCEPS

Lahoussaine Hassnaoui

I have so enjoyed working with different teams at MCBS, and I am very grateful to the top management for granting me the chance to work alongside such a diverse spectrum of professionals.

I also appreciate the support extended to me by other HoD colleagues, faculty members and all the supporting functions of MCBS to facilitate my work over the said period. So, thank you all for the support, guidance, and encouragement you have all provided to me. And for the best interest of the college, I humbly request everyone to extend the same support to the new leadership of CCEPS to help the department fulfill its mission.

Lecturer, CEAP

Ghalia Al Zabi

To the College Management:

I want to take the time to thank you for your expert tutelage and support during my employment. Working under your capable supervision and direction has been a rich experience, and the skills and abilities you helped me develop will empower me to reach my professional goals more quickly in the future. I wish MCBS under your supervision the very best in its upcoming endeavors.

To my Colleagues:

Being part of this community has given me many pleasant memories to cherish as I start a new chapter in my life. I’ll probably never forget how welcome everyone made me feel on my very first day here. Each one of you has taught me something important. You have supported me on my self-development journey to become a better instructor, colleague, thinker and friend. I hope our paths cross again in the future.

Head of Department

Mohammad Ataullah

After a wonderful journey of 18 years, the time has come to say goodbye to you all. When one embarks on a journey, one never knows how far it’ll take them but now when I look back; it really surprises me to see that l’ve come such a long way. I joined the college when it was just two years old and now after 20 years, I’ve not only seen this college grow, but l’ve grown along with it. It feels great to see the success of an institution where you’ve spent almost one-third of your life. But no matter how amazing and interesting the journey is over here, for us (expatriates) it has to come to an end one day.

I’ve enjoyed each day at this college, working, meeting new people, organizing events for the library and facing new challenges. Each day at MCBS brought new hopes, new goals and a new zest in life.

I would thank all my colleagues for giving me their help and support during my tenure. It wouldn’t have been possible to work for such a long period if I hadn’t received love and respect.

I would also thank the MCBS authorities for their cooperation and support.

Head of Department

Jolly Verghese

It is really sad that the time has come for me to say goodbye to each one of you in the College. The 16 years I spent in this College have been the best years of my career and the most enjoyable ones! Each one of you has been instrumental in making my work here so successful, productive and satisfying.

Senior Lecturer

James Philip Kosher

I have thoroughly enjoyed my tenure at MCBS and consider it a great fortune having had the opportunity to work in a great institution with wonderful colleagues. Thank you for the support, encouragement, love and respect you have given me during my time here.

I am definitely going to miss my colleagues, students and the management of MCBS.

Head of Department of General Education

Dr. Mouhiba Jamoussi​

Words cannot express how grateful I am for the full support and continuous respect you gave me as the Head of the General Education Department, and especially therafter.

Thank you so much for making my responsibilities as HOD so easy, and for later welcoming me with particular consideration and warmth.

Our last get together came as quite a surprise to me, although I should have expected such kindness and such generosity. My tears that day told you how close I felt to each one of you and how much I was going to miss you. Your gift, keeping time for me, will always remind me of our mutual esteem and admiration.

I have no doubt that our relationship will remain forever and that we will always remember one another and our time together with tenderness and pride. Thank you all for giving me so much, and for making me feel so special.

Head of Department

Eldar Abdullayev ​​

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the college for the support and love given to me during my time here. I will take back cherished memories, both from you all and the beautiful land of Oman. I’m so grateful I had the chance to work among some of the best teams and I will never forget your kindness and professionalism.

That being said, I’m sad that today is my last working day at MCBS but my best wishes to you all for a wonderful and joyous year ahead and in all your future endeavors.

Associate Professor

Dr. Anna Stalinska

Today is the last day of the 6 years of my work at MCBS.

I’d like to thank MCBS and each member of MCBS community for experience, opportunities, cooperation, support, motivation and friendship.

It’s been a great pleasure to work and progress together. I had many different roles at MCBS and each of you knows me from different perspective. I did my best to contribute to the development of MCBS within each of assigned to me role and position.

Professor and Associate Dean for Projects Development

Dr. Hesham Maged

Each member of MCBS positive attitude and hard work have contributed to all our successes here, and I have learned a lot from working with each one of you.

I will miss the sense of community that we have shared, and I am grateful for the memories that we have made at MCBS, our second home.

I hope to stay in touch with you as I believe that maintaining a professional network is important for career development and growth.