Dr. Chia Zargeh

Areas of Research

  •  Associative and non-associative algebras
  • Computer algebra with applications
  • Applications of algebraic structures in Post-Quantum Cryptography

Dr. Chia Zargeh was appointed to his current position as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Modern College of Business & Science in 2022. He obtained master’s degree from University of Tabriz in Iran and Doctoral degree from University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) in Spain in 2018. His international mobility in research includes research stays as a postdoctoral at University of Sao Paulo in Brazil and as a research assistant at Technical University of Braunschweig in Germany. Dr. Chia has extensive teaching experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels for different majors of studies. In addition to numerous visiting lectures, his teaching experience consists of teaching basic and advanced courses for undergraduate students. He has also attended several international scientific events, workshops and conferences in different countries.


  • Ph.D in Mathematics at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain in 2018

  • M.Sc., Mathematics at University of Tabriz, Iran (2003 – 2006)

  • B.Sc., Mathematics at University of Tabriz, Iran (1999 – 2003)

Experience Summary

Dr. Chia Zargeh has extensive teaching and research experiences. Regarding teaching, he has taught various mathematical courses for undergraduate students. Moreover, he is interested in educational research and has several presentations in education conferences. He has frequently published research papers in Scopus indexed journals jointly with renowned mathematicians. Dr. Chia has also experienced in administrative duties such as collaboration with examination committee, Math students’ club and organizing conferences. He was a member of European Mathematical Society, and he is currently a reviewer for American Mathematical Society.

Selected Publications

  1. A normal form for HNN-extensions of dialgebras, Missouri J. Math. Sci. 35 (1), 2023 85-94., https://doi.org/10.35834/2023/3501085.

  2. OperadicapproachtoHNN-extensionsofLeibnizalgebras,(withGeorgKlein), Quasigroups and related systems, 30 (1) 2022 101-114. https://doi.org/10.56415/qrs.v30.08.

  3. VarietiesofNull-filiformLeibnizalgebrasundertheactionofHopfalgebras,(withLucioCentrone), Algebr. Represent. Theor. (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10468-021-10105-2

  4. HNN-extensionofinvolutivemultiplicativeHom-Liealgebras,(BookChapterwithSergeiSilvestrov) in: Silvestrov, S., Malyarenko, A. (eds) Non-commutative and Non-associative Algebra and Analysis Structures. SPAS 2019. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 426.

  5. Existentially closed Leibniz algebras and an embedding theorem, Proceedings of the 3th International Workshop on Non-associative Algebras in Malaga, Spain. (Communications in Mathematics, vol.29, no.2, 2021, pp.163-170. doi.org/10.2478/cm-2021-0015.)

  6. Matching Hom-setting of Rota-Baxter algebras, dendiform algebras and pre-Lie algebras, (with D. Chen, X-Song Peng and Y. Zhang), Advances in Mathematical Physics, (2020) https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/9792726 .

  7. HNN-extension of Lie superalgebras, (with M. Ladra and P. Páez-Guillán), Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 43, , 1959–1970(2020). DOI:10.1007/s40840-019-00783-z

  8. HNN-extensions of Leibniz algebras, (with M. Ladra and M. Shahryari) Journal of Algebra, 532 , 183– 200 (2019). DOI:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2019.05.014

  9. A note on simplicity of contact Lie algebras over GF(2), Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, vol. 24, no. 2, 331–336, (2017) SCOPUS and Wob indexed journal.


10. Some remarks on derivations of Leibniz algebras, International Journal of Algebra vol. 6, no. 30, 1471–1474, (2012)