Dr. Henry Jonathan Karyamsetty

Areas of Research

  • Health and safety monitoring
  • sustainable development
  • carbon sequestration
  • Environmental protection
  • Air pollution modelling
  • pollutant dispersion dynamics
  • Agriculture and forest biodiversity
  • Environment and social governance.

Environmental Professional with over 17 years of experience in Environmental, Health & Safety Management, Infrastructure Development & Projects.

Has more than 10 years of core teaching experience in higher education institutions in Oman and India besides active project supervision and independent research. Well-versed with the health, safety and environmental laws and regulations of UK, India and Oman.

Completed Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences- 2009. Proficiency in teaching Environmental Management (health & safety) to graduate & engineer students. Skilled in environmental monitoring of air, water, noise, soil, and industrial gas emissions. Knowledge of operation of continuous ambient air quality monitoring and ambient air quality standards (NAAQS). Knowledge and exposure in HIRA, JHA, FTA, HAZOP, FMEA, ATEX, etc. Exposure to water quality analysis and parameters. UV-VIS Spectrophotometer analysis of heavy metals in water, Global

Positioning System (GPS). Successfully practiced SPSS statistical software applications. Competency in devising significant solutions, implementing health safety management systems for maintaining sound environmental and safety conditions. Managing operations involving resource planning, materials planning, in-process inspection, team building, and coordination with the internal departments.


• Doctor of Philosophy- Environmental Sciences, August 2009, Andhra University, India.

• Master’s Degree- Environmental Sciences, April 2002, Andhra University, India.

• Bachelor’s Degree- Farm Science & Rural Development, April 1995, Loyola Academy, India.

• Bachelor’s Degree- Education, May 2004, Osmania University, India

Experience Summary

Environmental professional with over 17 years of expertise in Environmental, Health & Safety Management and Infrastructure Development. He has 15+ years of teaching experience in higher education institutions in Oman and India, specializing in Environmental Management, health & safety regulations, and environmental monitoring. Proficient in conducting independent research, managing projects funded by international organizations, and implementing health and safety management systems. Experienced in academic roles, including curriculum development, student supervision, and industrial collaboration. Published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and has contributed to book chapters, research projects, and international conferences.

Selected Publications

Year 2005-2007

  1. Solomon Raju, A. J., Rao, S. P., and Henry Jonathan, K. (2006). Andromonoecy, insect pollination, and fruiting behavior in Acacia caesia (L.) Willd (Mimosaceae) in the Eastern Ghats. Curr. Sci. 91: 939-943.
  2. Solomon Raju, A. J., Henry Jonathan, K. and Vijayalakshmi, A. (2006). Pollination biology of Ceriops decandra (Griff.) Ding Hou (Rhizophoraceae), a true viviparous mangrove tree species. Curr. Sci. 91: 1235-1238.
  3. Solomon Raju, A. J., Rao, S. P. and Henry Jonathan, K. (2006). Ornithophily in melittophilous flowers of the orchid tree, Bauhinia variegata L. (Caesalpiniaceae) in the Eastern Ghats forests of India. J. Bom. Nat. His. Soc. 105: 115-118. Year 2008-2010
  4. Solomon Raju, A. J., Henry Jonathan, K. and Rao, S.P. (2008). Traditional extraction of bark tannin from the mangrove tree, Ceriops decandra (Rhizophoraceae) and its use in treating cotton fishing nets for durability. Nat. Prod. Rad. 7: 173-175. 
  5. Solomon Raju, A. J. and Henry Jonathan, K.(2008). Reproductive ecology of mangrove trees Ceriops decandra (Griff.) Ding Hou and Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C. B. Robinson (Rhizophoraceae). Acta Bot. Cro. 67: 201-208.
  6. Aluri Raju, A. S., Ramana, K.V. and Jonathan, K.H. 2009. Anemophily, anemochory, seed predation and seedling ecology of Shorea tumbuggaia Roxb. (Dipterocapaceae), and endemic and globally endangered red listed semi-evergreen tree species. Curr. Sci. 96: 827-833.
  7. Jonathan, K. H., Solomon Raju, A. J., Suseela Branham, K. and Sunanda Devi, D. 2009. Interactions between insect pollinators and ornamental tree, Tecoma stans (L.) (Bignoniaceae). J. Threatened Taxa. 1: 126-127.
  8. Henry Jonathan, K. and Solomon Raju, A. J. 2009. Insect pollination and self-planting seed dispersal strategy in the true viviparous mangrove tree species, Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C. B. Robinson (Rhizophoraceae). J. Threatened Taxa. 1: 133-140.
  9. A. J. Solomon Raju. and K. H. Jonathan. 2010. Anemophily, accidental cantharophily, seed dispersal and seedling ecology of Cycas sphaerica Roxb. (Cycadaceae), a data-deficient, red-listed species of northern Eastern Ghats. Curr. Sci. Vol 99. 1105-1111.
  10. A. J. Solomon Raju and K. H. Jonathan. 2010. Reproductive ecology of Cycas beddomei Dyer (Cycadaceae), an endemic and critically endangered species of Southern Eastern Ghats. Curr. Sci. 99. 1833-1840.
  11. K. H. Jonathan. 2010. Flowering phenology and pollination mechanism of some mangrove plants. Advances in Pollen-Spore Research. XXVIII. 1-16. Year 2011-2013
  12. K. Henry Jonathan, P. Suvarna Raju, D. Sunanda Devi, Rajendra Kumar, G. Lakshminarayana, S. Purnachandra Rao, P. V. Subba Rao and G. Ravi Kumar. 2013. Pollination ecology of Derris trifoliata (fabaceae). Journal of Palynology. Vol 49: 173 -180.
  13. K. H. Jonathan, Rajendra Kumar, P. Haresh Chandra, A. J. Solomon Raju and P. Suvarna Raju. 2013. Reproductive ecology of Aegialitis rotundifolia ROXB. Advances in pollen spore research. Vol XXX. 1-8.
  14. P. Suvarna Raju, K. Henry Jonathan and A. J. Solomon Raju. 2012. A study on floral biology and pollination in Excoecaria agallocha. L. (Euphorbiaceae). IFGTB Journal. Tropical Ecosystem Structure. Function services. 1435-1436. Year 2016-2018
  15. K. H. Jonathan and P. Suvarna Raju, 2016. A study on radon gas and lung cancer incidence in indoor environment in Oman. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 3 (12), pp. 17-21.
  16. K. H. Jonathan and P. Suvarna Raju, 2017. Analysis of rainfall pattern and temperature variations in three regions of sultanate of Oman. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Vol. 8 (2), pp. 173-181.
  17. Jacob Solomon Raju ALURI and Henry Jonathan KARYAMSETTY, 2018. Reproductive ecology of Aegialitis rotundifolia roxb., a crypto-viviparous mangrove plant species in Krishna mangrove forest, Andhra pradesh. Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 20 (1) pp. 17-30.
  18. Henry Jonathan Karyamsetty and Jacob Solomon Raju Aluri, 2018. Ambophily in the Dioecious weedy mangrove associate, Excoecaria agallocha (Euphorbiaceae). Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 20 (2) pp. 15-28.
  19. Jonathan Henry Karyamsetty. 2017. Floral Diversity, phenology and pollination mechanism of true viviparous and crypto-viviparous mangroves of Godavari and Krishna Delta of Andhra Pradesh, India. Int. J. Conserv. Sci. 724 8 (4) pp. 723-730.
  20. Jacob Solomon Raju Aluri and Henry Jonathan Karyamsetty. 2018. Reproductive ecology of Bruguiera cylindrica (l.) Bl. (Rhizophoraceae), a true viviparous mangrove tree species in Coringa mangrove forest, Andhra Pradesh (India). Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 20 (3) pp. 31-38.

Year 2019-2021

  1. Hesham Magd and Henry Karyamsetty. 2020. Integrated management system implementation in SMEs: a proposed model for organizational performance and sustainability. International Journal of Business and Management Review. 8 (4), pp. 58-77.
  2. Magd Hesham, Asmi Khalfan, Henry Karyamsetty. 2020. COVID-19 Influencing Factors on Transmission and Incidence Rates-Validation Analysis. Journal of Biomedical Research and Environmental Science. 1(7), pp. 277-291.23) Hesham Magd and Henry Karyamsetty. 2020. Organizational performance and sustainability in manufacturing and service through TQM implementation. Open Journal of Business and Management. 8, pp. 2775-2804.
  3. Hesham Magd and Henry Karyamsetty. 2021. CoVID- 19- A global exploratory study on the incidence rates. Journal of Environmental Science and Public Health. 5(1), pp. 32-49.
  4. Hesham Magd and Henry Karyamsetty. 2021. Organizational sustainability and TQM in SMEs: a proposed model. European Journal of Business and Management. 13(4), 88-97.
  5. Hesham Magd and Henry Karyamsetty. 2021. Assessing the significance of corporate social responsibility actions to achieve sustainable business and organizational performance during COVID-19 pandemic in Oman. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal.13(3), 10-24.
  6. Hesham Magd and Henry Karyamsetty. 2021. Coronavirus Disease-19 – Multi-dimensional Analysis on Incidence Rates- A Global Perspective Study. Challenges in Disease and Health Research Vol. 9, 91–111. https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/cdhr/v9/2658F
  7. Hesham Magd and Henry Karyamsetty. 2021. Global Analysis of Potential COVID 19 Transmission and Ena-bling Factors. Global Journal of Epidemiology and Infectious Disease, 1, 46-61.
  8. Hesham Magd and Henry Jonathan. 2022. The Role of Accrediting Agencies: GCC Perspective. In Global Perspectives on Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education Institutions. IGI global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8085-1.ch004.

Year 2022-2024

  1. Hesham Magd and Henry Jonathan. 2022. Limitations and Challenges of Online Teaching at Omani’s HEI’s. International Journal of Information and Education Technology. Accepted for publication.
  2. Henry Karyamsetty and Hesham Magd. 2021. Lockdown and movement ban strategies to control new COVID-19 infections: a case study of Oman. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. 17(1), pp. 1-15.
  3. Raju Palathoti Survarna, Jonathan Karyamsetty Henry, Solomon Raju. 2022. Flower-insect interactions with special reference to honeybees with some plant species (Albizia lebbeck, Calliandra brevipes, Calliandra haematocephala, Mimosa pudica, Pithecellobium dulce, Hamelia patens, Mitragyna parvifolia and Hugonia mystax). Species. 23(71), pp. 285-296.
  4. Raju Palathoti Survarna, Jonathan Karyamsetty Henry, Solomon Raju. 2022. Melittophily and censer seed dispersal mechanism in Argemone mexicana L. (Papaveraceae). Species. 23(71). pp. 246-250.
  5. Henry Jonathan, Hesham Magd 2022. Digital Technology Metamorphosis of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Institutions- A Sustainable Vision to Educational System Amid COVID Pandemic. Ready for submission.
  6. Hesham Magd, Henry Jonathan, Shad Ahmad Khan, and Mohammad Al Geddawy. 2022. Artificial Intelligence—The Driving Force of Industry 4.0. In A Roadmap for Enabling Industry 4.0 by Artificial Intelligence. Wiley. pp. 336.
  7. Hesham Magd and Henry Jonathan. 2022. Digitalization- An Emerging Business Trend for Sustainable Transformation of SMEs Sectors- A Proposed Model for Survival and Sustainability in Uncertainties. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal. Vol. 14. No.2. pp. 51-65.
  8. Henry Jonathan, Hesham Magd and Aatadal Al Salhi. 2022. Climate Smart Agriculture and Mitigation Techniques for Sustainable Resilient Farming in Middle East Region. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal. Vol. 14. No.2. pp. 8-19.
  9. Hesham Magd and Henry Jonathan. 2022. Limitations and Challenges of Online Teaching at Higher Education Institutions in Oman. International Journal of Information and Educational Technology. Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 831-837.
  10. Henry Karyamsetty and Hesham Magd. 2022. Analysis of Business Challenges and Opportunities Within the Era of COVID: Strategies for Sustainable Business. Digital economy, Businessanalytics, and big data analytics applications. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Vol. 1010. Springer Nature.
  11. Hesham Magd, Henry Jonathan and Shad Ahmad Khan. 2023. Education Situation in Online Education before the Pandemic and in the Time of Pandemic. In Advances in Distance Learning in Times of Pandemic Ed. CRC press, Taylor & Francis.
  12. Hesham Magd and Henry Jonathan. 2023. Limitations and Challenges of Online Teaching at Higher Education Institutions in Oman. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol 13. No. 5. pp. 831-837.
  13. Hesham Magd, Henry Jonathan and Mohammad Ansari. 2023. Building and Developing an Enhanced Culture of Academic Integrity in HEIs in Oman. Res Militaris. Vol. 13. No. 2. pp. 300-315.
  14. Henry Jonathan, Shad Ahmad Khan, and Anand Nayyar. 2023. Envisioning toward modernization of society 5.0- A prospective glimpse on status, opportunities, and challenges with XAI. In XAI Based Intelligent Systems for Society 5.0. Elsevier.
  15. Hesham Magd, Henry Jonathan, Kalfan Al Asmi. 2024. Coronavirus Disease Incidence Resonance with Coastline Dynamics: An Evaluation on Global Resurgence of the Pandemic. Emerging Science Journal. Vol. 7, No.5, pp. 1827-1842.
  16. Henry Jonathan and Hesham Magd, 2024. The Future of Vertical Farming in Oman as a Vehicle for Boosting Entrepreneurship. Kurdish Studies. Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 5490-5501.
  17. Khan, S.A., Magd, H., Bhuyan, U., Jonathan, H. and Naim, A. (2024), “Digital Marketing (DM): How are Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) of Bhutan and Sikkim (India) Responding to it?”, Singh, N., Kansra, P. and Gupta, S.L. (Ed.) Digital Influence on Consumer Habits: Marketing Challenges and Opportunities, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 135 145. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80455-342-820241008
  18. Henry Jonathan, Hesham Magd and Shad Ahmad Khan. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality: A Business Fortune to Sustainability in the Digital Age. Singh, N., Kansra, P. and Gupta, S.L. (Ed.) Navigating the Digital Landscape, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 85-105. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-83549-272-720241005.
  19. Jonathan, Henry, and Hesham Magd. “A Strategic Perspective Analysis of Educational Transformation in Higher Education Institutions in the Middle East and Africa: Response to the Pandemic.” Evaluating Global Accreditation Standards for Higher Education, edited by Arshi Naim, et al., IGI Global, 2024, pp. 18-34. https://doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-1698-6.ch002
  20. Ansari, M. S. & Jonathan, H. (2024). Significance of Capacity Building Through Professional Development Programs: Pathways to Accreditation in HEIs. In A. Naim, A. Saklani, S. Khan, & P. Malik (Eds.), Evaluating Global Accreditation Standards for Higher Education (pp. 265-277). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-1698-6.ch018.